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Saturday 7 May 2016

A man from Romania destroy the tires of his neighbors cars

A man from Brasov is being investigated by police after he cut the tires of four cars parking even in his building.

No one can explain why the man was so angry neighbors, but the facts were caught by surveillance cameras in the area, so it can not be denied.

Records show as it crosses the park and suddenly he gets probably the idea, so he leans between two cars and their tires cut. Calm, then continues its road to block enters the ladder, but before calling the elevator realizes it's not completely satisfied.

Out of the block again, repeat with the other two cars and then go to bed. Morning after found their cars vandalized, the owners have forgotten footage and immediately identified him their neighbor.
Instead of an apology or even explanation, but it would have gone to threats, so people called the police. It will now be investigated and face up to two years in prison in case he is found guilty.


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