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Saturday 3 October 2015

 How to care for your skin

Low temperatures in the morning or the evening makes us pay special attention to our skin to protect it. Here's what to do:

Hydration. The first thing is to ensure proper hydration of the skin. Wind, cold, rain, snow contribute to dry skin, plus dry air and indoor, home, office, car, shops. That is why hydration is the number one weapon. Morning and evening hydrated skin should be strong, increasing the usual dose of cream. Choose a moisturizer and emollient produced more than usual. It must contain 7-8 ingredients have 70% water and 30% oil. Search lotions containing humectants: glycerin, sorbitol, alpha hydroxy acids, substances that attract moisture. Obviously, it helps a diet rich in liquids and vitamins. Careful equally fragile skin and lips, and body.

Use vegetable oils on sensitive areas. Areas fragile, dry or thickened need a few drops of vegetable oil, applied through a gentle massage, such as sweet almond. After a few applications, the skin will heal. This treatment can also be used on the lips or around the eyes. Not all oils are suitable. Besides the almond gives good results is avocado.

 Do not forget your hands. You need a special cream for very dry skin. Hands are very susceptible to cracks and often favor their drying washing. Therefore, antibacterial soap is not recommended. Use one moisturizer based glycerin and shea butter. After washing, apply a cream for dry skin. No exit without leather gloves, retaining little humidity compared to the wool.

Use creams UV radiation even in winter. Usually Day creams and moisturizers have SPF UV rays. Check the packaging before you buy. Apply a cream with SPF on your face and hands 30 minutes before leaving the house, because your skin is really protected.

Exfoliate with moderation. An already fragile skin should not be too dense scrub aggressively. Even if it is necessary to clean the skin cell death and facilitate the absorption of moisturizers, once a week is sufficient peeling.

Do not do too hot shower or bath. The water temperature will be higher, the higher the risk desidratării skin. After the bath, wipe the skin, everywhere, without rubbing it by dabbing with a towel. Clammy skin dries faster. Take a shower rather than bath tub.


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