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Friday 6 May 2016

Just before Easter, open conflict broke out between caste journalists from both the print and audio-visual and Metropolitan of Transylvania, laurenţiu streza. The reason was represented by a photograph taken by a journalist of the publication time of Sibiu that appear priest Mercedes E350 4Matic drive out of the starting price of 60,000 euros. The photo was published by the newspaper in question, which shortly and for unclear reasons has publicly apologized in writing for this. Gossips said holders they were afraid of the influence zone of Metropolitan. Immediately after publication of the photo, the major newspapers and TV stations picked up the story and clergymen condemned opulence.

Metropolitan has put even more fuel to the fire dispute when, through a short interview, seemed to curse the journalist in question to never win more money than those from the photo, then hinted he is ready for battle . Tension peaked when laurenţiu streza said with acceptance and satisfaction (according to his own thought) idea in attitude coming from a third party, namely that it would be appropriate to have and not just Mercedes plane or helicopter. Maybe that Romania will have its first A380, he jumped as burned journalists. For better objectivity, we asked our psychologist to interpret impartially the fine details of revolt.
"According to him, the priest goes on the idea legality of purchasing the car in question, which he says was bought in installments which were not done yet. On the other hand, journalists report that they have not challenged the legality of the origin of the car just such a fireball that can humble believer front row when the church's presence in church duties. They also say that Transylvanians traveling by public transport or by Logan they would send a message of superiority and arrogance and overall message of opulence and luxury submitted by a parent is not appropriate his business. In short, the message is it's legal, but immoral! What would be the next step, they asked journalists! We may have mistresses priests coming out in short skirts or officiating priests who displayed ghiulurile or listen Manele within the open window at the traffic lights. It's not legal?
Metropolitan supporters as they brought the safety argument it must travel and journalists countered the idea that the popular cars have the same level of security that are not only luxury and not create social stratification. How, asks journalists, gives this Mercedes on unpaved roads in Sibiu Surroundings example? An eventual burial in Răşinari, would throw him back with his traction engine and monstrously powerful chippings on the convoy mortuary? "Says the psychologist.

"The priest said he is willing to pardon the journalist who took the photo. Tagma journalists and was sore! Why, asks everyone would need pardon a man who did what his job entails, namely to present reality as it is? If it bloomed it if the machine does not belong bathrooms metropolitan then was, how do Transylvanians, because it was false and defamatory news image. From a psychological viewpoint that the priest is not afraid to show car locally and nationally but fears the judgment shows that non-naive and less impresionabililor. It is a feeling of guilt but overcompensated for the comfort and social superiority, "the specialist added.

"Bishop put the scandal on the desire of journalists to earn some money. Therefore he wanted to press human public not win more money than those produced on the photo. Journalists and drew heavy weapons! Our goal is to win money, they said, but they pay tax of which are (or should do) highways, schools or hospitals. Orthodox Church pays nothing as tax. It's like saying we do not give anything to the state budget, handle yourself with schools, hospitals and highways. Sure no one would want to portray BOR like a fat kid eating sandwiches all other copies, does not give anything to anyone, just because she's fat and needs more resources, but this image tends to take shape on the horizon objectively. Does anyone believe that journalists should not boast any initiatives of the church to invest in soaciale centers for children, elderly or homeless, if they exist? The EU and United States churches build, own and managerizează hospitals. Here's a way to get revenge for not paying taxes. In our most direct interactions with Romania's church when he marries and buries them both great value for Fathers.  


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