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Wednesday 11 May 2016

What happens if you eat three eggs a day

Although regarded with reluctance, eggs are essential for good health and protect the body.

Do not you worry about cholesterol, the main reason that egg consumption is often avoided.
Eggs containing only 180-186 mg of cholesterol, while the liver produces up to 2000 mg per day. Eggs can even replace "bad" cholesterol at "good".
Beneficial to the bone
Eggs contain Vitamin D and calcium. For strong bones and healthy teeth, you need Vitamin D, which regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption.
Nutritionists recommend eating eggs
Besides strengthening bones, egg consumption helps in smooth muscle development. Two eggs were intake of protein equivalent to that of a portion of meat. Thus, the benefits of eating eggs without meat, but without the fat content related.
Eggs contain nutrients necessary for the growth of body
The consumption of eggs bring the body riboflavin, folate, iron, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, and vitamins A, E and B6.
Egg consumption supports the process of slimming
Eggs are a complete source of nutrients and vitamins, helping in weight loss through calorie content low.
Eggs contain antioxidants necessary for healthy sight
Egg white contains considerable amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin that reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. In addition, eggs are rich in vitamin A, or the lack of which leads to poor vision at night, known as night blindness. 


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